
We make films and adverts

We work to help you create films about your business, passion or story. We’ll take your script and turn it into a feature film. It doesn’t come cheap. The minimum we charge is £15999 and the maximum has no limit. However, for that you get a BAFTA award winner to direct your film and an experienced Script Editor and ideas creator who worked in Hollywood for over 10 years. Want to make the best film ever? Then we’re a good choice with a proven track record.  Contact us today.
Our latest movie in production

We are interested in Space Industry Sponsorship

Imagine you started to attract investors that you wouldn’t usually have access to? How good would that be?  We’re making a film about Space Based Solar Power and asteroid mining. We have discovered that the space industry is not too good at self-promotion. Several people we interviewed made this comment. We are looking to produce a TV series about space technology. This would focus on its ability to solve climate change and resource problems. We want to focus on the British space companies involved in ground breaking work. Research has shown us there is a huge public demand for this knowledge. Whilst most media focuses on Elon Musk, we want British Space industry leaders to be highlighted.  All your friends are finally going to want to hang with you because of your new TV stardom!  The paybacks in attracting investors could be enormous. The bottom line is we need some sponsorship. Are you interested?
Welcome to the world of films. Perimetrfilms provides a range of services from feature and short films, to documentary films on a range of subject. Our latest film is a documentary drama currently in its final editing stage. 

The Poster

Poster art by our official artist
Elena Russu featuring Valery Danko
as the character Sarah
The World Stripped Bare Poster feature film Valery Danko

Visit our film website for more information:-


We take your idea and turn it into a professional script. We also build you a professional advertising deck so you can sell your script to the big producers



We deal with all aspects of filming your advert, short or feature film, including: scriptwriting, casting, pre-production, locations, insurance, release forms, post production (including editing and colourisation, sound and uploading)
We can edit any kind of film from a home-made to a professional big budget feature film. We use specialist software and a team of editors from UK and USA